It's almost game time, and tip-off is just around the corner. It's that time of year again for basketball season. Today we will discuss the 5 most common injuries associated with basketball.
What They Are?
Ankle Sprains: Typically occurs with or without contact and can be as a result of the foot twisting in or out with pressure. Once this event occurs there is a sprain of the ligament which is why it's termed Ankle Sprain.
Treatment: As soon as able Ice, Elevation and Rest all are great home remedies. For severe sprains physical therapy treatment is an option. Physical Therapy will use modalities for pain relief, Exercises for strengthening/flexibility, and Functional Activities to get you back to 100%.
ACL Injury- ACL is the Anterior Cruciate Ligament. This ligament helps keep knee stability and is often injured with hyper extension motion. ACL injuries can occur with or without contact. There are different levels of injury from mild to complete tear which requires surgical intervention.
Treatment: If it's a sprain of the ligament, Ice and Compression of the knee to help with improving edema/inflammation. Physical Therapy can be prescribed via a Doctor to help improve stability and reduce pain levels. For severe cases, and large tears surgical procedure performed and then Physical Therapy using specific protocol.
Meniscus Tears: The meniscus is a C shaped cartilage in the knee that act as a shock absorbent. There are 2 menisci in the knee, one medial and on lateral ( one on each side). If torn they provide locking and pain in the knee with weight bearing and bending of the knee.
Treatment: Again Ice, and Rest are great home remedies but depending on the severity of the tear surgical intervention can be performed and Physical Therapy performed as well. Physical Therapy will use modalities for edema control and pain relief as well as performing exercises for strengthening/flexibility and stability. In the end, if you suffer one of these injuries always seek medical advice and is best if you do perform some Physical Therapy. Your PT will give you a personally designed plan of care to help improve your level of function and get you back to your A game. Even if you don't have an injury and want to make sure you're strong and flexibility and ready for the wear and tear of the season call us today 781-284-0559.
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