With Winter weather arriving and temperatures dropping this blog will give you some tips to help you stay warm and safe during the winter months.
1) Make sure to have care serviced prior to winter, proper tires can help with Icy Roads/snowy conditions. Also have mechanical testing done to ensure all other parts of the car are running properly as well as testing the battery. Breaking down on the side of the road during a storm can be deadly.
2) ALWAYS make sure to clean your car off of snow/ice. Most states will issue a ticket for snow left on the car due to the danger it causes on the roads. Leaving snow/ice on your car not only causes visibility issues for you as a driver but for other drivers on the road as well.
3) Make sure to have essentials in your vehicle for the winter months. Having proper equipment such as :shovel, ice scraper, and jumper cables can help ease the pain/difficulty of the winter months.
4) If you have a cell phone, make sure the phone remains charged in case you need to make an emergency call. BUT, always make sure to stay hands free when driving as it helps ensure safety and full attention being paid to the road.
5) Know your route. Now a days most people use GPS to help them reach their destination in a timely/safe manner. This is crucial to plan ahead of time so you know if there are road closures, accidents, or even traffic.
Our staff here at Broadway Physical Therapy & Rehab hope that these tips/hints help guide you safely through your winter travels and wish you a safe and happy winter season.
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